Part Eight: The Horse
Welcome to the final part of this blog series – the week it’s all been leading up to. The reason I have taken so much time to lay the foundations for this week is to give people the understanding, that I believe [...]
Welcome to the final part of this blog series – the week it’s all been leading up to. The reason I have taken so much time to lay the foundations for this week is to give people the understanding, that I believe [...]
Hello and welcome to part seven. This is the final week before our four-legged friends join the mix, so hang on in there! Before we wrap up our final non-equestrian element, let’s have a quick recap. Over the first three weeks we [...]
Welcome to week six. We’ve had a pretty full on five weeks working hard to cover the groundwork necessary to understand the power of ‘equine facilitated practice’, so let’s take a moment to pause and catch our breath. The content we’ve explored [...]
In the words of Albert Einstein, ‘no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness on which it was created’. If our global problem of social disconnection stems from identification with the thought of who we are (ego), thus disconnecting [...]
Welcome back, it’s week four which means we’re half-way through! So far we’ve examined our habit to avoid meeting the present moment because of our belief ‘that the best way to live is to try to avoid pain and just try to [...]
Welcome to week three. By now, you might be thinking ‘Ok Ruby, I get it, we have a habit to disconnect from the present moment- move on!’. The reason I place so much emphasis on it is because it is the fundamental [...]
Hello and welcome back. If you’re only just joining us, I recommend firstly heading back to part one as each section carries on from the last. However, if you’d rather dip in and out please feel free to do so. Last week [...]
‘There is a common misunderstanding’, writes Pema Chödrön as she succinctly summarises our human predicament in the first paragraph of Awakening Loving-Kindness, ‘among all the human beings who have ever been born on the earth that the best way to live is [...]